
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

San Francisco will host Super Bowl L!

Just announced this morning at the NFL owner’s meeting, the NFL has selected San Francisco to host Super Bowl L in 2016 (an endcap to the 2015-2016 NFL season). The event will be held at the new Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara (home of the San Francisco 49ers). For those less inclined on roman numerals, it is the 50th Super Bowl, so it’s going to be super special (pun heavily intended.)

It also will be the first time in my lifetime that the Super Bowl will be local to me. Since attending an actual Super Bowl is on my bucket of list to do before I hit the dirt, I think this Super Bowl L will be the perfect opportunity get it checked off. I’d save on airfare and hotel accommodations because the stadium is just a mere hour worth of train ride from my house. For sure the tickets will be exorbitantly expensive but going to a Super Bowl, for me, will be a one and done, once-in-a-lifetime thing. Worth it, wouldn’t you say?

Even though it’s a little under three years away, I am already very excited and anxious for Super Bowl L, in my hometown (area). Time to save up those pennies, then!