
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

People watching

Shoutout to the early-risers. As I type these blog posts out on (weekday) mornings, I greatly enjoy the view out of the window of people who are up as early as I am (about 6:30 AM is when I begin typing). Some are on their way to a slogging commute, and others are simply walking their dogs. Whatever the reason, it’s a kindred spirit of people who wake up early, an empathetic bond.

I just wish some of them would get their heads out of their smartphones. Look around! Take in the morning air! Listen to the birds!

The quiet hours in the morning radiates a calm that I relish very much. The theatre of the color change as the sky turns from dark to light is rather magical. It’s best observed with a cup of coffee, or whichever morning beverage of your choice. The only trouble is getting up early, because it means going to sleep early as well. I’m lucky to have a choice; I have two hours to myself before I even have to think about leaving for work. Kudos to those who must get out of bed at an ungodly hour because of work. You folks are the true morning warriors.

Yesterday’s morning sky was slightly ominous as there was an orange tinge to the morning sun. Alas, the smoke from the wildfires burning to the east have finally made their way to our coastal enclave. In what has sadly become a yearly tradition, wildfire season brings horrible air quality to much of northern California. Good thing we’ve been accustomed to wearing masks, thanks to the COVID pandemic. I guess it’s time to mask back up whenever I’m outdoors again.

Somewhat coincidently, my Coway air purifiers alerted me to needing to change the odor filter. In the process I’m reminded of how important it is to have this purifier, because the HEPA filter - not due for a change for another six months - already looks kind of horrible. It’s definitely doing the job, and I’m counting on this thing to get me through fire season and beyond.

Morning, California.

Good Friday

Hello, friends. I hope you are having a wonderful Friday.

I’m in one of those rare moods where I am completely satisfied with life. Literally everything is going in a positive direction (discounting the whole COVID situation, obviously). There’s a satisfying calm to it all, and no anxiety to speak of. Even the stress from work has dissipated, though it’s not like the workload has tapered off. If I can bottle up this feeling forever, that would be lovely.

That’s impossible, of course. Life is going to have its ups and downs, try as we might to smooth it out so that the valleys don’t hurt as much. It helps to have the ability to be content with whatever life throws at you, good or bad, big or small. If you can’t be happy with just a cup of coffee, you’re not going to happy sitting on a yacht. If you’re sad at the smallest misfortune, then the big disaster will utterly ruin you.

It helps to be in a state of not wanting anything, to be happy with what you already have. Easier said than done, I know. I’m afflicted with car enthusiasm, so I’m always on the lookout for the new and exciting. But, if I didn’t have the car I currently own, I’d be pining for that. It’s an endless cycle of chasing after novelty. As someone who have spent six-figures on a sports car, I think I’m qualified to say: the material stuff is never going to make you any happier.

You have to be happy and satisfied with what’s already there.

Go support the Barstool Fund!

Sleep experiment day three

Today is officially the third day of shifting my sleep schedule experiment to an earlier sleep and wake hour, and honestly I am rather sleepy right now as I am typing this after having just woken up. I guess my body clock still thinks 6:30AM is insanely early, therefore it must be out of the normal for me to be awake, and hence this groggy feeling in autoimmune response. This is precisely why the first order of business every morning have been straight to the coffee machine.

I have to say it’s really nice to wake up during a time when the sun is just beginning to make its transition from sunrise to fully bright. To witness the ultimate power in our nature do the thing it has done for over four billion years is a humbling sight. It sort of reminds me of our sheer insignificance in the universe, how we’re all mere travelers on a spinning marble mass within a universe that’s an unimaginable light-years in size. Seeing a sunrise makes the small things that are currently bothering me right now becomes trivial in an instant, refocusing me onto truly what’s important in life.

Not sure I meant for a philosophical lesson simply by choosing to wake up earlier, but there it is.

The morning hours are indeed some of the most tranquil and quiet of the day, and I’m massively enjoying the early stillness to go into a meditative state and get some tasks done. It creates something to look forward to every night before I go to bed, that the next morning I will get to have these hours of blissful calm. It makes falling asleep easier, and also creates an eagerness to actually get out of the bed when the alarm clock inevitably signals.

Even though I’m still quite sleepy.

My constant companion.