
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

Around the block

As a bleeding-heart introvert, this whole pandemic business isn’t without some silver lining. I’m used to staying home all the time anyways! The fact that a contagious virus has turn home confinement into something mandatory is not really a big change for me. I’m just sad that the rest of you extroverts have to suddenly join my lifestyle. Of course, I’m also devastated that over 400,000 Americans have lost their lives to COVID.

Hopefully the incoming Biden administration - to be sworn in today - will be far more competent in combating the coronavirus than the departing administration.

Even the most ardent introvert needs some socializing. I was reminded of how nice it is to hang out with friends this past weekend. Properly socially distanced, mind you. A friend brought his kid over to deliver some things to me. During that time we got to stand around and chat for a bit, while the kid got to play with my housemate’s dog. Having a conversation in person: what a novel concept! The unseasonably warm and sunny day provided a perfect backdrop.

We then took the dog out for a walk around the neighborhood. Part of the allure of living in a suburbia-like area - houses with proper front yards and back - is how great it is to take a stroll just around the block. Vehicle traffic is minimal, and the air is wonderful thanks to the multitude of greenery. It was a cute scene with the kid holding onto the dog’s leash as it wanders through the neighborhood. Us adults following close behind, enjoying the sun.

It’s a shame I myself haven’t done enough walks like this; because, you know, pandemic. This brief hang out with friends provides a small taste of what we’ve missed, and what’s to come once everything goes back to normal. I am cheering for you, vaccine!

The emptiness of morning.

I'm made for this

It seems plenty of my peers are taking this coronavirus lockdown opportunity to binge on many televisions shows or plays lots of video games. I am genuinely happy for them because god knows we can use a bit of levity in this current situation. It’s just that I guess I am the odd one out, because even though this quarantine has been going on for over a month, I’ve yet to watch one extra show, or play one single new video game.

The reason is simple: this shelter-in-place living arrangement is absolutely normal for me. Normal in the sense that it’s what I would being doing anyways: staying at home most of the time. My daily routine as an introverted homebody hasn’t really changed: I still have books to read, blogs to write (hello!), and Korean language to study. There’s barely any additional time to fit in a TV series or begin playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Admittedly, saving on the commute time to work has allowed me to watch more car-related Youtube videos, but that’s it.

The coronavirus upended things for the rest of you guys, and I hope you will all be able to return to your regularly scheduled programming as quickly as possible. That’s the part that feels abnormal to me: the fact everyone else suddenly converted to my lifestyle. I greatly empathize: I’ve been training for this lockdown scenario my whole life, and the rest of you are mere amateurs. Reports of people getting cabin fever is a foreign concept to me; being cooped indoors is wonderful!

This too shall pass, my friends.

I do miss going outside and doing this, though.