
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

Mechanism for implementing austerity

I have found the best way for extremely frugality: have something impossibly expensive to save up for. 

My one New Year's resolution this year is heavy austerity in my finances. The past fews years have been a bit overboard on the travel expenses, even though I wouldn't trade away a second of the experiences. Nevertheless it was time to refresh the rainy day fund, in preparation to counter any ill events, should they arise. 

First half of the year the resolution was not going so great. I didn't travel anywhere so that was good, but I put some money down for travel later this year, which required a significant chunk (super counterintuitive, I know). Due to various circumstances my mother decided it was time to buy my brother a car, him of still in college and no real income. So towards that end I've fronted and still fronting (insurance is a bitch) some money.

I also bought a few expensive play things as well. Self control is difficult. 

Now the situation has changed. Looking backwards I realize the only times I was able to implement crazy austerity was when I needed to save for something big. Back in 2012 when I decided to buy a WRX STI and needed many thousands in down-payment dollar, every financial decision, big and small, was run through the filter of will it adversely affect my goal. Utilizing that mental mechanism I socked away nearly over 50% of a paycheck. 

So to force myself into frugality, I've pick another big item to save money for. It isn't a house because I have no interest in ever owning, so naturally it's another car. Not a normal-priced car obviously because I can go and buy one now. It needs to be quite expensive: six-figures at least. 

Won't say what the car is because that'll spoil the fun, but ever since I made the decision my austerity resolution is back on track.  

Do you want to save money effectively? Have a huge monetary goal to save towards. 

The architect drew inspiration from the Death Star. 

The architect drew inspiration from the Death Star. 


I wonder when did it begin the transition in becoming more “adult” and being less cavalier with money usage. Back in my college days and earlier in my work career, not only did I spent every dollar I made, anything I want to purchase, once reconciling with the finances (at least I wasn’t leveraging credit cards to the hilt), I’d simply go buy it - no hesitation whatsoever. 

These days, there’s immense amounts of hesitation. Big spending purchases are only done after massive amounts of analysis; pro and con chart, utility factor, and asking the ultimate question: do I really need it? Many times over I could’ve bought new wheels for my Miata, but prudent sensibilities have overruled and won out repeatedly. A stunning new OLED television would be splendidly nice indeed, but my now ancient 1080p set still soldiers on after five years. The five year ago me would’ve bought it already (precisely how I came to own the TV), without any feasibility study. The rationale was simple: if there’s a want and the bank account agrees, then it’s mine. 

That mind-set has evolved. For example recently it took weeks to make the final decision on a new iMac. 

Perhaps it’s all the books I’ve read about the dangers of materialism and how one should have financials in reserves in case shit hits the proverbial fan. Or perhaps I’ve come to realize that plenty of the items I bought back when didn’t necessarily add to my permanent happiness. It’s fleeting is what I’m attempting to say. Buying car parts and modifications just may be the stupidest thing ever when considering I don’t even own that car anymore. The current car remains, hard as the mind tries, completely stock. 

I now see my little brother at the same stage in life: in the midst of college and having a part-time job with no worldly adult stuff to worry about. When boxes with Amazon Prime taped over arrive home at regular intervals, it’s quite the nostalgia. 

Being frugal is tough

I think I should blink more carefully from now on because on a particularly forceful blink yesterday I absolutely destroyed one of my contact lenses. Fragile little things. It hurt the entire time I was at work. 

I've return to super miser mode a few months ago and it's nice to see my monthly spending going back to a level not seen since I was saving up on the downpayment of my current car. Still not completely sure just exactly what I am saving up for but let's just say it's rather comforting to have something on stash, instead of blowing it on car parts and electronics like I tend to do. 

Problem is, the everyday world bombards you constantly with adverts and subtle hints to entice you to part ways with your hard earned cash. It's really tough to resist at times. No wonder consumer debt is so incredibly high and savings rate so damn low in America. Heck, the economy's heath is largely predicated on us spending all we've got. Pretty insane when you think about it.