
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

People talk too slow

As a proper millennial I go through my fair share of podcasts and Youtube shows (I'm currently going through the back catalog of The Joe Rogan Experience). Once thing I discovered recently is the speed-up function, and I found 1.5x to be the perfect pace for me to still understand the conversation yet allow me to go through more of it. I guess at normal speeds people talk too slowly for my taste. 

For work a few years back I had to do some tutorials on (work pays for a subscription and it's fantastic) and the ability to listen at 2X speed was a godsend in getting through the material as quickly as possible. As long as I wasn't multitasking or distracted the extra speed did not adversely affect my retention of the material. 

Not sure why it took me so long to do the same with wordy Youtube videos and audio podcasts. The speed manipulation feature has been available for the longest time, ever since Internet media switched away from Flash. I guess back then I wasn't in the mindset of constantly craving for more content to consume. 

These days I want to maximize learning as time permits, and speeding up a podcasts and videos usually allows me to cram in two in the normal timeframe of one. And if I ever miss anything or want more clarity I can always rewind or slow it back down. The freedom to control speed is one of the best things about consuming media digitally. 

Having said that you will never get me out of physical books. The tactile interaction between my fingers and the pages that makes it special and no amount of efficiency can displace that. 

Grado SR80e: the best bang for the buck headphones for private listening. 

Grado SR80e: the best bang for the buck headphones for private listening. 

I probably should have rested

For the longest time when I got hurt or sick I'd still power through that stuff and did what needed to be done - like exercising. I took it as a badge of honor to do a workout whilst say carrying a cold. Pain is just weakness leaving the body, right?

Actually it isn't: pain is the body telling you to give it a rest until it stops hurting. Ignoring it isn't awesome or cool, rather it is completely stupid, and usually exacerbates the problem. I found that out this past weekend.

Last Friday I developed the beginnings of a cold which blossomed fully on Saturday. I was in no energy to do much of anything but the chores and errands I'd planned for the weekend was constantly in mind. I detested that I got sick because it was putting me behind my self-defined schedule. 

So on Sunday, feeling marginally better, no more lounging around: I washed the car, went grocery shopping, vacuumed the house, did some studying, and played GT Sport (see picture below). Due to the cold I was feeling hotter than normal so I sweated a ton through it all. 

Sunday night rolled around and I wasn't feeling any worse, so I thought I was home free as usual. How wrong was I because I woke up this morning feeling not as good as the third day of a simple cold should be. I totally should have rested on Sunday like I did Saturday, but hubris and responsibilities (more former than the latter) told me I had to get a move on.  

I don't plan to be sick often but next time I will for sure take it as easiest as possible. Normalcy like errands and activities will truly have to wait until I get back to 100%. This aging 30 year old body demands it.  

A personal-best Nordschleife lap driving the Ferrari 458 Italia (sports medium tyre) in GT Sport. 

A personal-best Nordschleife lap driving the Ferrari 458 Italia (sports medium tyre) in GT Sport. 

Instant noodles with bacon

During the work-week I tend to eat the same thing everyday in order to keep down the decision fatigue. For lunch my go-to is instant Korean ramyun, which isn't the healthiest thing in the world but man is it not the greatest comfort food known to man. Anyways, it obviously lacks in protein so to supplement I've been going with the beloved bacon. 

Not just any bacon, I buy the thick-cut ones Costco sells as a two-pack. Unlike most people I'm not fond of bacon burnt to the point it resembles jerky: I prefer it cooked just enough with a slight browning to the edges, and the inside parts still soft and juicy. 

In the interest of saving time however lately I've forgone pan-frying the bacon and instead dump it into the same pot of water for the noodles. The meat fat and juices really augments the flavor of the broth, and the bacon itself has the consistency of braised meat. Pair it with kimchi and it's fantastic as hell. 

It's easy to make, too: bring water to a boil, add everything at once, and when the noodles softens it's ready to eat. 


The petty games

A few nights ago I was driving home stopped at a intersection. The street has two lanes so there was an SUV next to me. The light turned green and the car behind the SUV immediately honks at it to get a move on. I take off while shaking my head because it seems to be an epidemic these days with impatient people honking at the lead car as soon as the lights change. 

As I look in the rear-view mirror I smiled because I saw the SUV playing the petty games: it purposely continued to go in order to piss off the honking driver even more. Even when it finally took off the SUV went at a slower pace than other traffic. The honker was also boxed in by the faster moving cars on my lane, unable to skip out of the mess. 

Karma is so sweet. 

I personally would never play the petty games because this is America and you have no idea who has got a gun. I live in not exactly the finest of neighborhoods so it is best to be avoided. If I'm at the head of the line at an intersection I treat the lights like the starting grid of a Formula One race: as soon as the lights turn I am off.  

Not everyone needs to be like me and treat traffic lights like a racing driver, but I think if you are the first car in line then you have an obligation to move as quickly as possible. Likewise, those queued behind should exercise more patience because not everyone or every car is capable of moving off the line so fast. 

That said I do enjoy watching other people play the petty games.  

Power outage on campus

I work as tech-support at a college campus and last evening the power to the entire campus went out. Due to this I got to go home early from work which is nice, but for the students and teachers that had classes it probably wasn't a good thing. 

The month of May is the tail end of the semester therefore missing a single class period can be detrimental to things like presentations and tests - especially for classes that only meet once a week (which classes in the evening tend to be). For sure students in lower level courses likely couldn't care less (I'd be happy as a fox), but I'd be pissed if I were a graduate student and it was my day to present thesis.

Today a professor shared with me that a student of his was due to perform for his final masters last night but the blackout torpedoed that plan. What made it worse was his parents flew all the way here from Russia for the occasion. Dreadful.  

The University needs to be responsible for the lost instruction time. Students pay good money for tuition and to have power outages cancel class without recompense of say adding an extra day is unjust. Last evening's incident wasn't even the first one this calendar year!

Though I guess we can't rule out the possibility that last night someone really didn't want to take a final and did some grade A sabotaging to the power-grid to avoid it. 




That time I missed my flight from Korea

It's once again the month of May, and it had me thinking about a year ago when I traveled to Korea. It was a wonderful trip of a lifetime and you should definitely check out the photos here.

While reminiscing about the trip I was reminded of the hilarious incident we had in catching the flight back to America. There were three of us on the trip and yet somehow we all managed to misinterpret the flight time. It was definitely not a good showing for the male section of the species. 

For whatever reason, the flight time were shown using military time. Our flight was printed at 20:00 hours which simple math equates to 8:00pm in the evening. We like to think of ourselves as persons of intelligence but we completely miscalculated and thought the flight was 10:00pm. 

With that in mind we naturally got to the airport a bit before 8pm. Upon looking at the giant departure board and not finding our flight I double-checked the reservation and realize to horror the huge mistake. We made a dash for Korean Air counter but it was too late: not enough time remained to get us through customs and security. 

Even under such misfortune due to self stupidity we lucked out: we got to the check-in counter before the airplane left the ground, which meant we were able to rebook to the next available flight at no extra cost. Had the flight already taken off we would've squandered the plane ticket and had to then pay again for the next one. 

So apart from a slightly wounded pride and the costs of an extra night of hotel (and a very angry girlfriend for my friend), it was a good learning episode and I doubt any of us will ever misread a departure time ever again. 

Farewell, Instagram

While Mark Zuckerberg is being raked over the coals by Senators who don't understand the Internet (one Senator said the Facebook user agreement sucks as if he or anybody else actually reads the damn thing), I on the other hand have finally gotten rid of the last vestige of Facebook in my life: Instagram. It joins my Facebook account into the big bin of social media platforms I no longer use (rest in peace, Xanga).  

Indeed Zuckerberg's monolithic company won't profit from me any more (we are the product, not the customer), that is assuming they've kept their word and actually delete my information. Judging from Facebook's track record I'm certainly not counting on that happening. A good few years of my digital life will forever be locked in a data-farm somewhere.  

Another reason for deleting Instagram is I no longer see the point of it. On the base level Instagram is like a photo-centric Facebook, and since I've no use for a Facebook account (couldn't possibly care less what my elementary classmates are up to), keeping an Instagram account doesn't make much sense either. 

As a hobbyist photographer I used Instagram to follow other creatives for inspiration and whatnot (i.e. steal ideas) but I can easily do that elsewhere and be way more productive because I won't be bombarded with images from non-photographers I follow. 

And of course I used Instagram to do what every other red-blooded male does: to follow and thirst after Instagram models. Alas, push comes to shove we can do that without Instagram, can't we? (Shoutout to Tumblr in its early days)

Instagram have turned into a massive time-sink and not worth the value I get out of it. Posting my own photos have become more chore than fun. Having to input metadata like using the appropriate hash-tags and composing a funny caption or compelling short story to tell - for each and every photo - is tiring and not the best place to focus creative energy on; it'd be better spent on this website instead. Pictures on this website have permanence, while on Instagram it's gone and forgotten as soon as the next one is posted. 

Having done the deed and leaving me with Twitter as the sole social media platform I'm on, I feel lightweight and refreshed. More focus on doing the good work.